It took me a long time to finally come up with a bag to fit in to my collection. The MISSILE is just one of the 3 models I want to introduce. MISSILE is a shopper, a common model seen numerous times by many different designer brands. Not to mention the great amount of replica’s and private-label brands who also produce a shopper model. Long story short, the shopper bag is absolutely not special.
Now here lies the biggest challenge. How do you transform a common bag in to something jaw-dropping? If I asked myself this question one year ago, I would not be able answer. Now that I have a good vision on where I want to go, transforming this bag was a lot easier. The splash paint and the stones make this bag what it is. It’s fun, playful and bold as f*ck!
Not many people would want this bag, but that’s a good thing because I don’t create magic for the masses.
The craft of making a bag is intensive. And I love every second of the bag making proces. From painting the leather, cutting all parts and sewing them together creating one new item. What gives me even more energy is when a bag turns out exactly as you’ve anticipated. Nothing can surpass that feeling.
So now that I’ve made two MISSILE bags i’m ready to move on to the next model. But one thing is for sure, this model is here to stay!